Every year, a number of congregants embrace the challenge and privilege of becoming B’ Mitzvah. But some are in a special category, as adults. Believe it or not, a number of these adults had little Hebrew background, or none at all. Yet at the end of the series of classes, they could chant a small portion from the Torah, give a brief interpretation and help lead a Shabbat service. And best of all, they did it together, with a tremendous amount of mutual support and pride in their accomplishments!
In the coming year, this could be you! Please consider joining the group who have already expressed interest in becoming an Adult B’ Mitzvah in the Spring of 2025.
This class is open to all Jewish members, regardless of gender. Perhaps you never became a B’ Mitzvah because of your families decision or because you were not raised as a Jew. Perhaps you had a ceremony, but are looking to experience it differently as an adult. Whatever the case, you are welcome to participate in this meaningful experience.
Class will meet monthly on Sundays at 1:00. We will review Hebrew reading as needed, explore the Shabbat service, learn about Torah and B’ Mitzvah, learn the blessings for tallit and Torah, learn a small Torah portion and prepare a brief personal commentary on its meaning, all with my guidance.
The fee for this class is $300
The class will culminate in a Shabbat morning service in the Spring, lead largely by the class. Please invite family and friends to share in this joyous event!
Please respond to with any questions, and sign up in the link provided when publicized, or on our Temple website.
I look forward to studying together! Please encourage others to join you.
Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky