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Caring Committee

The Caring Committee helps make sure that we support and love one another through all of life’s ups and downs. We visit each other in the hospital or at home. We accompany one another in grief. We bring meals of support and condolence. We help welcome new babies and support those families. At Temple Israel we are called on to serve one another.

Caring Committee Group Visits are held on the third Sunday of every month. For more information, please contact Mimi Garcia or Wendy Sokolow.

Chevra Kadisha

A chevra kadisha or "holy society" is an organization of Jewish men and women who see to it that the bodies of deceased Jews are prepared for burial according to Jewish tradition. Tahara or purification is the traditional preparation of the body for burial. Tahara consists of washing the body, purifying it with water, dressing the body and placing it in the casket or aron - all accompanied by prayers and intentions. It is a very ancient custom, though one that many Reform Jews may not know about. A woman who has died is given Tahara by a group of women, led by Judith Lyons. A man who has died is given Tahara by a group of men, led by Brian Pelc.

Fundraising Committee

The purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to raise funds needed for Board-identified projects and efforts. The Committee helps plan specific fundraising events and activities. For more information, please contact the Temple Israel administrator, Lisa Slaton.

Sustainable Torah Gardens Committee

Temple Israel has a Community Garden tended by members of the Congregation, which serves educational, meditative and altruistic purposes. Patricia Novey has assumed management of the Community Garden and is looking for volunteers to help see it through to fruition. For more information, please contact Patricia Novey.

Membership Committee

Our Membership Committee helps our community live up to the Jewish value of hachnasat orchim, or welcoming. We welcome, we connect and we ask that you extend yourself in turn to others. To learn more about Temple Israel membership, please contact Stefanie Posner, Director of Congregational Life & Learning.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785